Since this cake was our swan song, and was made for Results Day, we needed something fairly all-encompassing to celebrate all of A-level Chemistry, and this was the monstrosity we came up with.
Once again we sacrificed edibility for realism and ended up compromising both, and this one really was quite dodgy; there’s an unhealthy amount of wood and plastic in there and we nearly spilled the
blue food colouring over the entire thing at one point. It’s actually unique in terms of cakes - this is really interesting, honest - because we made it in my kitchen instead of Annabel’s and
consequently, because I don’t know our kitchen
as well as I perhaps should, we had to make the whole thing without the aid of a rolling pin. It took the best part of a day to make, but we started making it without knowing exactly what we
were making, and we thought of most of it as we went along so there was a lot of sitting around thinking, not to mention whingeing about how it wasn’t going to work, and I had to trawl through my
notes to make sure we'd got the electrophilic substitution right (well, it was a long time ago).
You can't see them all, but somewhere there are...
A bunsen burner, a mole with a mole equation (and a burette, and a hat), an aqueous copper complex, the Haber Process, an NMR spectrum, phenol
(with all its delocalised electrons), an acid dissociation, a thermometer and polystyrene cup on a balance, a monomer of Teflon, an absorption spectrum, a copper/nickel electrochemical cell, a chunk
of the Periodic Table, a pipette filler, a lab coat, DNA, a carboxylic acid group, vitamin C, water hydrogen-bonded together, electrophilic substitution of benzene, a Michaelis-Menten curve, a
volumetric flask, an expression for Kc, glucose, a rate equation…and I think that’s it…