Based on ‘Merry Xmas Everybody’ by Slade
Original Words and Music by Noddy Holder and Jim Lea


Are you setting up your Quick-Fit on the desk?
It’s the time that every chemist makes a mess,
Do you light the Bunsen burner?
Do you add the ethanol?
Does it look as though it’s boiled out of control…?!

So here it is, oxidation; our reaction’s down the drain;
Look at the mess we’ve made - we’ll have to start aga-aa-aaiin!!

Are you waiting to distil the aldehyde?
Are you sure your alcohol’s been oxidised?
Does it form a silver mirror?
Does it turn dichromate green?
Does it form precipitates with hydrazines?!

So here it is, oxidation; our reaction’s down the drain;
Look at the mess we’ve made - we’ll have to start aga-aa-aain!!

What do you do when you realise you never added the anti-bumping stuff - aah-haa-aaa!

Are you setting up your Quick-Fit on the desk?
Are you hoping your dichromate’s in excess?
Do you heat it under reflux,
With some H2SO4?
Does your pear-shaped flask go crashing to the floor…??
So here it is, oxidation; our reaction’s down the drain;
Look at the mess we’ve made - we’ll have to start aga-aa-aaain…!!!

© Aimee Hartnell, December 1999