According to Cu(II) in [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+
Based on "A Deeper Shade of Blue" by Steps (yes, I’m afraid so)

Original music and lyrics by Topham and Twigg, apparently


Oh, I’m a deeper shade of blue
Than hydrated copper (II),
It’s a ligand exchange;
A ligand exchange.

It’s hard for copper ions like me
‘Cos we form complexes easily:
The ligands all form co-ordinate bonds,
Donating pairs of electrons;
I used to have all six
Now I’ve only got left two of those:
Ammonia’s joined where water should be,
They’ve stuck their nitrogens onto me;

Oh, I’m a deeper shade of blue
Than hydrated copper (II),
It’s a ligand exchange;
Yeah, I’m a darker shade of me -
It’s all this
NH3 -
It’s a ligand exchange,
A ligand exchange.

It’s hard for copper ions, I’ve found -
Our ligands keep getting shoved around:
I’m still octahedral, still copper (II)
But I’m no longer a pale sky blue;
I used to be called hexaaqua
Now I’ve got four ammonias:
It’s messed up my name - I don’t know how -
I’m tetraaminediaqua now;

Oh, I’m a deeper shade of blue
Than hydrated copper (II)
It’s a ligand exchange;
Yeah, I’m a darker shade of me -
It’s all this
NH3 -
It’s a ligand exchange,
A ligand exchange…

This dative-bond lark - it’s awkward, after a bit:
No wonder I’ve got such a complex about it…

Oh, I’m a deeper shade of blue
Than hydrated copper (II)
It’s a ligand exchange;
Yeah, I’m a darker shade of me -
It’s all this
NH3 -
It’s a ligand exchange,
A ligand exchange…!

Aimee Hartnell, June 2000